
Bed Rotation
Scrolling down past Laser Exposures reveals Bed Rotation options. The default
setting has adaptive scanning enabled. Adaptive Scanning is an automatic process
whereby each new set of points is reviewed to determine: 1) how far the model has
rotated since the previous set of points and, 2) the number of points captured. Using
a mathematical model, if there is a large distance between the two sets of points and
a drop in the points collected, the bed will rotate back and capture data between the
two sets of points. This helps ensure that as much of the model is captured as is
physically possible. Changing the minimum and maximum distance in degrees
changes the average area of comparison as the bed rotates.
Selecting “Rotate at a fixed angle” overrides Adaptive Scanning. Rotation will be fixed
at whatever degree it is set at.
This setting may be useful if a user wants to speed scanning up (increase bed rotation
degree size), particularly if scanning an object with smooth surfaces and not a lot of
Using the slider, degrees can be increased or decreased by whole numbers. Users can
also enter in degrees manually to two decimal points as long as the number divides
evenly into 360°.
Head Step Resolution
The Mac software does not support an override for the distance between each head
step resolution.