Installation Instructions

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nanoLTE E61 AP Hardware Installation Troubleshooting
NANO_INST_43325 v205_0.6 for N4G_2.5 © ip.access Limited 2019 Page 28
The nanoLTE E61 AP has the following LEDs:
LED Colour Description
Off The S2D is not switched on.
Green The LED may be Red or Green during the first 2 seconds after
powering up, while the
E61 AP is initializing. After this, Green
indicates that the AP is powered up normally.
Red The LED should only be Red briefly once the 2 second
initialization period is complete. If the LED continues to stay
Red after this, this means there is a fault with the AP.
After the 2 second initialization period, if the LED turns Red
after previously turning Green, this means that there is a
hardware power fault with the AP.
Off The LTE AP is not provisioned, it has no IP address. This may
be a temporary condition when the LTE AP is switched on for
the first time, or after factory reset.
Red Service not available because the LTE AP is administratively
locked (from the NOS).
Red flashing There is an error condition. Usually this means that the cell is
also down.
Flashing green
(1800ms on, 200ms
off), Red off
Cell down, service not available.
Green flashing
(500ms on, 500ms
off), Red off
Cell locked, service not available.
Green flashing(50ms
on, 50ms off), Red off
Normal reboot, when reset button pressed for less than 5
Green flashing(50ms
on, 200ms off), Red
Factory reset, when reset button pressed for more than 5
Off The LTE AP does not yet have an IP address. This should
change shortly after the AP is switched on.
Red If this LED has previously been Green, Red means that there
is an error, such as the LTE AP losing its IPsec connection
with the IPsec Gateway.
Green Flashing Green indicates the LTE AP is acquiring NTP or
connecting to its IPsec Gateway. Steady Green indicates the
LTE AP is connected to its serving IPsec Gateway.
Green This LED will always be Green to indicate that the LTE AP is
operating in LTE TDD mode. This LED may be off or amber
temporarily during startup.