User's Manual

User Manual
Keep the wires relatively tight when loading, blocking them with a stone or pulling
on them lightly by hand. Loops should not be allowed to form inside the hole.
If a hose is used, it is imperative to be cautious while inserting and retracting it to
protect the RIOTRONIC X+ detonator wire.
Cartridges should be sized to ensure that RIOTRONIC X+ detonator wires are
protected from the hole or casing walls. When the collar pipe is removed after
charging, care must be taken to avoid the wire getting coiled around the casing.
5.9. Limiting the risk of damaging the bus-line
In order to limit damage to the bus-line, especially when the terrain is rough, the following
measures should be considered:
Avoid walking on the line.
Prevent vehicles from driving over the line.
5.10. Limiting the risk of transient pressure
A transient pressure pulse from the detonation of adjacent holes or adjacent decks within
the same hole can adversely affect un-detonated explosives and the RIOTRONIC X+
detonators by pre-compression and dynamic shock which can result in a partial or total
This phenomenon may be encountered in the following situations:
When firing underground due to small distances between drill-holes.
When firing on the surface due to a small distance between the drill-holes or the
decked charges.
When water is present in the rock, since it does not get compressed under pressure
and it is a good medium for the propagation of shock waves (shock waves
attenuation is therefore limited).
When there is a natural fracture in the rock or soft geology.