User's Manual

User Manual
suggested according to the pattern. User can change the delay time using numeric keys. OK
or F2 button have to be pressed to program connected detonator.
6.4. Main menu
After pressing the MENU button, main menu is displayed on the screen. User can change
item with up and down arrows and press OK or F2 to enter to next menu level. Pressing
CANCEL leads back to detonators programming.
6.4.1. Test one det
Test one det is to perform self-testing procedure in single detonator. One detonator only
should be connected before initiating this test.
Figure 34. Test one det results
The result screen shows detonator’s ID, delay time and sequence number actually stored in
detonator’s memory and self-test result (OK or not OK).
If detonator is OK, then BACK or F2 key leads to main menu. If there is any error, BACK or
F2 key starts another test. MENU leads to main menu and CANCEL leads to programming.
6.4.2. Test range
Test range is to test connection with detonators in only part of pattern. Before test is
initiated number of first and last detonator in the range need to be entered. Then OK or F2
initiate the test. In this test each detonator in the range is checked if it is connected and
programmed for correct delay time. If programmed delay time is different from pattern,
detonator is reprogrammed.
As the result, quantity of OK (including reprogrammed) detonators, missing (not connected
to the Bus-line) detonators and error detonators (with wrong time, which cannot be