Product guide

60 Configuration Software and Utilities
61MAXDATA PLATINUM 90002R Server System
Figure 26. Service Partition Utilities
The remote SMU application attempts to establish a socket connection to the server and uses the
Service Partition Utilities services to execute the server-side SMU core components. If a connection
is established, the application sends information to the SMU core components to request a session.
If the connection fails, a dialog box is displayed to indicate an error condition. In the event of an error,
you can attempt to restart the SMU from the ISM console.
After the session with the SMU core components is established, a version check is made to determine
if the remote SMU application is able to communicate with the SMU core components on the server.
If the versions do not match, an error message is displayed, the SMU application is closed, and control
is returned to the Service Partition Utilities application.