Energy Meter IC Family Software Instruction Manual

71M652X Software User’s Guide
Revision 1.7 TERIDIAN Proprietary 36 of 138
© Copyright 2005-2007 TERIDIAN Semiconductor Corporation
Some editors to be considered are:
VIM, see
a free VI editor. VIM is available in full-featured versions for Windows. VI is part
of the POSIX standard, so using it is a portable skill. VIM wins awards for usability.
, an inexpensive (not free), professional Windows programming editor.
This editor works like all other Windows applications, with extra features to support programming languages.
NEDIT (The Nirvana Editor) is very similar, at
. NEDIT runs on Unix with Motif, and also
supports exuberant CTAGs.
GNU Emacs, a free editor, also supports exuberant CTAGs. See:
Compiled and linked code can be significantly compacted by using the linker available with the Professional Compiler
Kit PK51 from Keil (
The LX51 Enhanced Linker supplied with the PK51 kit ( is capable of code
compression by up to 8% by rearranging code segments for AJMP and ACALL usage.
All executables supplied with the Demo Boards were generated using the conventional compilers and linkers from Keil.
That way, the supplied sources compile and link to the same code size as the pre-compiled object files.
If it is desired to add more options to the source code than the conventional linker can pack into a given code
space, the LX51 Enhanced Linker should be considered.