
71M6541 Demo Board REV 3.0 User’s Manual
15 Rev 4.0
Reset Commands:
W RESET Comment
Description: Watchdog control
Usage: W Halts the Demo Code program, thus suppressing the trigger-
ing of the hardware watchdog timer. This will cause a reset, if
the watchdog timer is enabled.
Commands for the 71M6X0X Remote Sensor Interface:
6 71M6X0X Interface Comment
Description: Commands for control of the Re-
mote Sensor Interface IC.
Usage: 6En Remote sensor Enable (1 Enable, 0 Disable)
6Ra.b Read Remote Sensor IC number a with command b.
6Ca.b Write command b to Remote Sensor IC number a.
6Ta.b Send command b to Remote Sensor IC number a in a loop
6T2 Send temp command to 6000 number 2 in a loop forever.
6R1.20 Reads the temperature from Remote Sensor IC number 1.