
71M6541 Demo Board REV 3.0 User’s Manual
33 Rev 4.0
6) Send the Intel hex file built for operation with the bootloader (e.g., 6541eq0_5p4g_07feb12.hex) using the
‘Send Text File’ command of HyperTerminal.
7) During the load procedure, the Wh LED will blink. Once the load process is completed it stops blinking. The
Wh LED should remain on solidly at the completion of the load procedure, which indicates an error-free
load. If the LED turns off at the end, an error must have occurred. In this case the load should be repeated.
The bootloader sends a "1" on the UART if the load succeeded, and "0" if it failed.
8) Check the display of terminal program (e.g., the PC running Hyperterminal). If no checksum error has oc-
curred, the bootloader sends a 1 on the UART. In case of an error, reset the DB6543, or turn it off and on,
and reload the code.
9) Remove the jumper on JP7. This will cause the loaded Demo Code to start.