User Manual

73M1822/73M1922 Control Module User Guide UG_1x22_053
82 Rev. 1.0
7.14.5 M1X22_IET_t
This Interval and Event Table structure (IET) is internally used by the driver to store threshold parameters
for monitoring line current and voltage. Each measuring entity (current and voltage) has its own separate
IET table of up to 10 entries, or rows with the following attributes: the IET row number, lower and upper
bound thresholds, and an event identifier that will be sent in M1X22_LINE_STATE event to the application
when this IET entry is entered.
The IET table is managed by the application layer via a group of line measurement IOCTLs.
Management of IET table entry consists of runtime update of IET table, and the start and stop
measurement processing which access these IET tables.
typedef struct
unsigned int row;
unsigned int inverval_min;
unsigned int interval_max;
unsigned int event;
Data Type Name Description
unsigned int
IET table index (0 to 9).
unsigned int interval_min
Lower bound range (in milliamps for current, or millivolts for
unsigned int interval_max
Upper bound range (in milliamps for current, or millivolts for
unsigned int
Event identifier sent to application layer.