
DS_1215F_003 73S1215F Data Sheet
Rev. 1.4 23
Table 11: Port Registers
R/W Description
USR70 0x90 R/W Register for User port bit 7:0 read and write operations (pins USR0…
UDIR70 0x91 R/W Data direction register for User port bits 0:7. Setting a bit to 0 means that
the corresponding pin is an output.
USR8 0xA0 R/W Register for User port bit 8 read and write operations (pin *USR8).
UDIR8 0xA1 R/W Data direction register for port 1.
All ports on the chip are bi-directional. Each consists of a Latch (SFR USR70 to USR8), an output driver,
and an input buffer, therefore the MPU can output or read data through any of these ports if they are not
used for alternate purposes.
1.6 Instruction Set
All instructions of the generic 8051 microcontroller are supported. A complete list of the instruction set
and of the associated op-codes is contained in the 73S12xxF Software User’s Guide.
1.7 Peripheral Descriptions
1.7.1 Oscillator and Clock Generation
The 73S1215F has two oscillator circuits; one for the main CPU clock and another for the RTC. The
main oscillator circuit is designed to operate with various crystals or external clock frequencies. An
internal divider working in conjunction with a PLL and VCO needs to provide a 96MHz internal clock
within the 73S1215F. 96 MHz is the required frequency for proper operation of specific peripheral blocks
such as the USB, specific timers, ISO 7816 UART and interfaces and keypad. The clock generation and
control circuits are shown in Figure 3.