
78M6610+PSU Data Sheet
2.11 Voltage Sag and Surge Detection
The 78M6610+PSU implements a voltage sag detection function, which can generate an alarm when the
line voltage drops below a programmable threshold.
The firmware calculates on a sample-by-sample basis the trailing mean square of the input voltage:
2 ×
At each sample interval the V
value is compared to a programmable threshold contained in the Vsag
register. If V
falls below the threshold, the firmware sets the Vsag bit in the Alarms register. If Vsag is
enabled in the AlarmMask2 register, the ACCRIT pin will also be asserted low. If the Vsag bit is set in the
AlarmsSticky register, then Alarms.Vsag will remain set and ACCRIT will remain low until the Vsag alarm
is cleared via the AlarmReset register or the 78M6610+PSU is reset. If AlarmsSticky.Vsag is cleared,
then Alarms.Vsag will be cleared and ACCRIT set high as soon as the V
monitor is greater than the
programmable threshold.
The sample count for sag detection is automatically adjusted by the firmware to maintain coverage over
half of the AC cycle. Sag detection is disabled by default and can be enabled by writing a non-zero value
to the VSAG register. If the VSAG register is set to 0, the sag feature is disabled.
The sag detection can be used to monitor or record the quality of the power line or utilize the sag alarm
pin to notify external devices (for example a host microprocessor) of a pending power-down. The external
device can then enter a power-down mode (for example saving data or recording the event) before a
Power outage. Figure 2-8
shows a typical sag event.
Figure 2-8: Typical Sag Event
Rev 3 17