
78M6610+PSU Data Sheet
1.7 Multi-Purpose Digital I/O Pins
The MP0 and MP1 input/output pins are not currently used. The pins have an internal pull-up and can be
left floating.
1.8 Alarm Pins (ACFAULT, ACCRIT )
Alarm pins are available to signal an alarm condition has been reached. Table 1-1 shows the available
alarm pins and the intended usage. The alarm thresholds and conditions are programmable through
dedicated registers. The status of each individual alarm is accessible through a status register.
Table 1-1: Alarm Pins Functional Description
Non critical warning updated once per accumulation interval.
Critical condition detected; AC Dropout, or SAG (see Section 2.5
The alarm pins are open drain and active low (0=alarm). These pins need to be pulled up and can be
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