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Access RANGE [37h]
If R/ W is 1, the next data bytes read are the values stored in the RANGE register. This register has a 14-
bit value. The upper eight bits are sent first, followed by a second byte that contains the five LSBs of the
register value in the most significant positions of the data byte. The upper five MSB’s of the first byte
contain the OS value for the frequency adjust Table 6. The register is read-only.
Write E2 [3Fh]
If WC = 0, the EEPROM is automatically written to at the end of each write command. This is a
DEFAULT condition. In this case the command “WRITE E2” is not needed. If WC = 1, the EEPROM is
written when the “WRITE E2” command is issued. On receipt of the “WRITE E2” command, the
contents of the DAC, OFFSET, ADDR, DIV and MUX registers are written into the EEPROM, thus
locking in the register settings.
EXCEPTION: The DAC, OFFSET, ADDR, DIV, and MUX registers are always automatically written to
EEPROM after a write to the ADDR register regardless of the value of the WC bit.