
Product Preview DS21Q55
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A20 DVSS2 Digital Signal Ground.
B11 DVSS2 Digital Signal Ground.
A5 DVSS3 Digital Signal Ground.
B7 DVSS3 Digital Signal Ground.
B9 DVSS3 Digital Signal Ground.
H20 DVSS4 Digital Signal Ground
L20 DVSS4 Digital Signal Ground
N17 DVSS4 Digital Signal Ground
J4 ESIBRD1 Extended System Information Bus Read, Transceiver # 1.
C13 ESIBRD2 Extended System Information Bus Read, Transceiver # 2.
C3 ESIBRD3 Extended System Information Bus Read, Transceiver # 3.
U13 ESIBRD4 Extended System Information Bus Read, Transceiver # 4.
W6 ESIBS0_1 I/O Extended System Information Bus 0, Transceiver # 1.
F18 ESIBS0_2 I/O Extended System Information Bus 0, Transceiver # 2.
D7 ESIBS0_3 I/O Extended System Information Bus 0, Transceiver # 3.
T20 ESIBS0_4 I/O Extended System Information Bus 0, Transceiver # 4.
V9 ESIBS1_1 I/O Extended System Information Bus 1, Transceiver # 1.
B17 ESIBS1_2 I/O Extended System Information Bus 1, Transceiver # 2.
A6 ESIBS1_3 I/O Extended System Information Bus 1, Transceiver # 3.
J20 ESIBS1_4 I/O Extended System Information Bus 1, Transceiver # 4.
U1 INT* O Interrupt.
N1 JTDI I JTAG Data Input, Transceiver #1
V19 JTDO O JTAG Data Output. Transceiver #4
W13 JTMS I JTAG Test Mode Select.
V18 JTRST* I JTAG Reset.
K2 LIUC I Line Interface Connect.
T1 MCLK1 I Master Clock, Transceiver #1 and, Transceiver #3.
W20 MCLK2 I Master Clock, Transceiver #2 and, Transceiver #4.
U10 MUX I Mux Bus Select.
M2 RCHBLK1 O Receive Channel Block, Transceiver #1.
G17 RCHBLK2 O Receive Channel Block, Transceiver #2.
G4 RCHBLK3 O Receive Channel Block, Transceiver #3.
Y12 RCHBLK4 O Receive Channel Block, Transceiver #4.
J1 RCHCLK1 O Receive Channel Clock, Transceiver #1.
D14 RCHCLK2 O Receive Channel Clock, Transceiver #2.
F3 RCHCLK3 O Receive Channel Clock, Transceiver #3.
U14 RCHCLK4 O Receive Channel Clock, Transceiver #4.
N3 RCLK1 O Receive Clock Output from the Framer, Transceiver #1.
B13 RCLK2 O Receive Clock Output from the Framer, Transceiver #2.
E3 RCLK3 O Receive Clock Output from the Framer, Transceiver #3.
M18 RCLK4 O Receive Clock Output from the Framer, Transceiver #4.
M4 RCLKI1 I Receive Clock Input for the LIU, Transceiver #1.
A15 RCLKI2 I Receive Clock Input for the LIU, Transceiver #2.
A4 RCLKI3 I Receive Clock Input for the LIU, Transceiver #3.
R17 RCLKI4 I Receive Clock Input for the LIU, Transceiver #4.
M3 RCLKO1 O Receive Clock Output from the LIU, Transceiver #1.
C14 RCLKO2 O Receive Clock Output from the LIU, Transceiver #2.
B4 RCLKO3 O Receive Clock Output from the LIU, Transceiver #3.
T17 RCLKO4 O Receive Clock Output from the LIU, Transceiver #4.
N2 RD*(DS*) I Read Input (Data Strobe)
K4 RFSYNC1 O Receive Frame Sync (before the receive elastic store), Transceiver