
MAX11213 Evaluation Kits
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Evaluate: MAX11200/11206/11209/11210/11213
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Figure 5. MAX11200/MAX11206/MAX11209/MAX11210/MAX11213 EV Kit Software (Save As Window)
Data Analysis Tab
The Data Analysis tab sheet (Figure 3) shows the
waveform scope of the sampled signal. The user can
load previous logged data to view the signal waveform
by pressing the Load Log Fileā€¦ button. The user can
zoom in and zoom out the scope. The user can also save
and print the scope screenshot.
The user can select the Y axis of the scope to be the
ADC conversion counts or the calculated voltage values.
When the device works in fast continuous-conversion
mode, avoid frequently moving the mouse over the
scope. Doing data analysis while data acquisition is in
progress can cause data loss because the PC may not
have enough processing power for multitasking.
Logged Data
Figure 6 shows a sample of logged data (*.csv) opened
in the Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet. Figure 7 shows
the same file opened in the Microsoft Notepad. Use
monospaced fonts (such as Courier or Lucida Console)
to open the file for clear alignment.