User's Manual

Safety Information
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), with its action in General
Docket 93-62, March 13, 1997, has adopted a safety standard for human
exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC
regulated equipment. Maxon subscribes to the same safety standard for
the use of its products. Proper operation of this radio will result in user
exposure far below the Occupational Safety and Health Act and Federal
Communications Commission limits.
hold the radio in such a manner that the antenna is
next to, or touching, exposed parts of the body, especially the face or eyes,
while transmitting.
WARNING - DO NOT allow children to operate transmitter - equipped radio
CAUTION - DO NOT operate the radio near unshielded electrical blasting
caps or in an explosive atmosphere unless it is a type especially designed and
qualified for such use.
CAUTION - DO NOT press and hold the transmit switch (P-T-T) when not
actually wishing to transmit.
NOTE: This radio operates in FCC regulated frequency bands. All
radios must be licensed by the FCC before use. Because this
radio contains a transmitter, Federal law prohibits
unauthorized use or adjustments of this radio.