User manual

Toolbox 32 User Manual 1.47d
Parameter 2 (R3) is subtracted from Parameter 1 (R2) and the result is put in the Destination (R1). As used
in the topic Example - Flow Totalisation.
Destination: 16-bit register (read/write), Long or Float register.
Parameter 1, Parameter 2: 16-bit register (read/write), Long or Float register or constant. Register types can
be mixed in any order.
Caution! It is possible to exceed the range of the destination register and produce an undefined result.
Parameter 2 (R3) is multiplied with Parameter 1 (R2) and the result is put in the Destination (R1). The
Multiply block treats 16-bit registers as signed numbers (-32767 to +32767, highest bit = sign).
Destination: 16-bit register (read/write, signed), Long or Float register.
Parameter 1, Parameter 2: 16-bit register (read/write, signed), Long or Float register or constant. Register
types can be mixed in any order.
Caution! It is possible to exceed the range of the destination register and produce an undefined result.
Parameter 1 (R2) is divided with Parameter 2 (R3) and the result is put in the Destination (R1). The Divide
block treats 16-bit registers as signed numbers (-32767 to +32767, highest bit = sign).
Destination: 16-bit register (read/write, signed), Long or Float register.
Parameter 1, Parameter 2: 16-bit register (read/write, signed), Long or Float register or constant. Register
types can be mixed in any order.
Caution! It is possible to exceed the range of the destination register and produce an undefined result.
Note: the result is undefined after a divide by zero.