User's Manual

◤Low-Frequency Device Encyclopedia
Muscle Pumping Effect
Low Frequent Currents can cause muscle contraction and relaxation, resulting in
muscle pumping effect.
After the muscles are contracted and then relax, by way of this the blood will flow into
this therapy area in a large amount, and the blood containing the old waste materials
will be sent out.
Reduce Soreness
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) Transcutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation is through the skin to do the electrical stimulation of the nerve.
In the treatment of pain caused by certain root causes, TENS is considered to be a
clinically validated and non-pharmaceutical method with no side effects while applied
correctly, so it can be used as a simple self-treatment method to block pain
transmission to the nerves and by increasing the secretion of endorphins.
Endorphins are the sensation of reducing pain through the central nervous system.
The symptoms of TENS must be consult to your doctor and they will also provide you
with useful information about TENS self-treatment.