Product manual

SCSI Description
Maxtor Atlas 10K IV 5-45
5.14.8 Verify Error Recovery Page (07h)
The Verify Error Recovery Page controls the drive’s response to error conditions that
arise during the VERIFY command and during the verify operation of the WRITE
AND VERIFY command. The Verify Error Recovery Page is not supported in the
SCSI-1/CCS Operating Mode. The data format and field descriptions are described
in Table 5-66 and Table 5-67 respectively.
Table 5-66 Verify Error Recovery Page-(Page 7)
Value Description
Indicates whether or not the target should use fair or unfair (e.g., priority) arbitra-
tion when beginning the interconnect tenancy.
Disables the fairness algorithm. A fixed priority scheme based on the SCSI ID as-
signed is used.
Any non-zero value enables the fairness algorithm (SCSI SPI-2 ANSI standard,
Appendix B).
DImm 0
Disconnect Immediate. When set to a 1, to reduce on-bus time, the drive is forced
to disconnect from the SCSI Bus after a SCSI Command is received. Disconnect
Immediate works only when a typical, error-free command isreceived.Disconnect
Immediate does not apply in exception conditions (for example, SDTR received,
error, etc.).
DTDC Data Transfer Disconnect Control. This field of three bits defines further restrictions when a discon-
nect is permitted. These are as follows:
Value Description
Data transfer disconnect control is not used. Disconnect is controlled by other
fields in this page.
A target will not attempt to disconnect once the data transfer of a command has
started until all data of the command has been transferred. The connect time limit
and bus inactivity limit are ignored during the transfer.
010b Reserved
A target will not attempt to disconnect once the data transfer of a command has
started, until the command is complete. The connect time limit and bus inactivity
limit are ignored once the transfer has started.
First Burst Size 0
This field indicates the maximum amount of data that a target may transfer for a
command during the same interconnect in which it receives the command.
765 4 3210
0 PS Rsvd Page Code (07h)
1 Page Length (0Ah)
2 Reserved EER PER DTE DCR
3 Verify Retry Count
4 Verify Correction Span
5 – 9 Reserved
10 – 11 Verify Recovery Time Limit