Product manual

SCSI Description
Maxtor Atlas 10K IV 5-107
5.32 REPORT LUNS Command (A0h)
The REPORT LUNS command requests that the peripheral device logical unit
numbers of known logical units in the target disk be sent to the applications client.
The command only returns information about the logical units to which commands
may be sent. The data format and field descriptions are shown in Table 5-163 and
Table 5-164 respectively.
Table 5-163 REPORT LUNS Command Descriptor Block-Data Format
Table 5-164 REPORT LUNS Command Descriptor Block-Field Description
Table 5-165 LUN Reporting Parameter List -Data Format
The LUN List Length field contains the length in bytes of the LUN list that can be
transferred. The LUN list length equals the number of logical unit numbers reported
multiplied by eight. If the allocation length in the CDB is too small to allow transfer
of information about all of the logical units configured, the LUN list length value is
not adjusted to reflect the truncation. The data format for the LUN Reporting
Parameter List is described in Table 5-165.
765 4 3210
0 Operation Code (A0h)
1 - 5 Reserved
Allocation Length
10 Reserved
11 Control
Field Description
If the Allocation Length is not sufficient to contain the logical unit number values for all
configured logicalunits,the device server still reports as many logical number values as will
fit in the Allocation Length.
The format of the report of configured logical units is shown in Table 5-165.
765 4 3210
LUN List Length (n – 7)
4 - 7 Reserved
LUN (first LUN)
n-7 – n LUN (last LUN, if more than one)