Product manual

SCSI Description
5-20 Maxtor Atlas 10K IV
Table 5-20 FORMAT UNIT Initialization Pattern Descriptor-Field Descriptions
Table 5-21 FORMAT UNIT Initialization Pattern Type
1. If the InitializationPattern Length is not 0, the drive terminates the command with
CHECK CONDITION status. The sense key is set to ILLEGAL REQUEST, and
the additional sense code is set to INVALID FIELD IN PARAMETER LIST.
2. If the Initialization Pattern Length is 0, the drive terminates the command with
CHECK CONDITION status. The sense key is set to ILLEGAL REQUEST, and
the additional sense code is set to INVALID FIELD IN PARAMETER LIST.
3. If the Initialization Pattern Type is not 0 or 1, the drive terminates the command
with a CHECK CONDITION status. The Sense Key is set to ILLEGAL
REQUEST, and the Additional Sense Code is set to INVALID FIELD IN
Name Description
IP Modifier The Initialization Pattern Modifier must be 0.
IP Type
The Initialization Pattern Type field (Table 5-21) indicates the type of pattern the drive
uses to initialize each logical sector within the initiator-accessible portion of the medium.
All bytes within a logical sector are written with the initialization pattern.
IP Length
The Initialization Pattern Length field indicates the number of bytes contained in the Ini-
tialization Pattern. The valid lengths (when IP Type = 1) are two or four bytes.
IP Initialization Pattern.
Initialization Pattern Type Description
Use default pattern.
Repeat the initialization pattern as required to fill the logical sector.
02h – FFh