Product manual

SCSI Description
Maxtor Atlas 10K IV 5-29
Table 5-38 Command Support Data Page-Field Descriptions
Note: The bits in the map have a 1-to-1 correspondence to the CDB for the OpCode being queried. That is, if the
device senses a bit as the entire field or as part of the field of the operation, the map in CDB Usage Data con-
tains a 1 in the corresponding bit position. If the device ignores a bit or declares a bit as “reserved” in the CDB
for the OpCode being queried, the map has a 0 in that corresponding bit position. Refer to Table 5-38 for a list
of the data returned for each of the OpCode values that can be sent in the INQUIRY command.
Field Description
The value of the Support field describes the type of support that the disk drive provides for Com-
mand Support Data.
Data about the requested SCSI operation code is not currently avail-
able. In this case, all data after Byte 1 is undefined.
The device does not support the SCSI operation code requested. In
this case, all data after Byte 1 is undefined
010b Reserved
The device supports the SCSI operation code in conformance with
the SCSI standard.
100b Vendor-Specific
The device supports the SCSI operation code, but in a vendor-spe-
cific manner
110b Vendor-Specific
111b Reserved
ISO-Version Must be 0.
ECMA-Version Must be 0.
Minimum operating definition for supported command.
CDB Size This field contains the number of bytes in the CDB for the Operation Code being requested and
the size of the CDB Usage Data in the data that is returned in response to the INQUIRY.
CDB Usage Data
This field contains information about the CDB for the Operation Code being queried. Note that
the first byte of the CDB Usage Data contains the OpCode for the operation specified. All of the
other bytes of the CDB Usage Data contain a map for bits in the CDB of the OpCode specified.