Product manual

Product Description
2-4 Maxtor DiamondMax16 60/80/120/160GB
Software ECC Correction
24 symbols, single burst, guaranteed
Automatic Park and Lock Operation
Immediately following power down, dynamic braking of the spinning disks delays
momentarily allowing the read/write heads to move to an inner mechanical stop. A
small fixed magnet holds the rotary actuator in place as the disk spins down. The
rotary actuator is released only when power is again applied.
2.4 Cache Management
Buffer Segmentation
The data buffer is organized into two segments: the data buffer and the micro
controller scratch pad. The data buffer is dynamically allocated for read and write
data depending on the commands received. A variable number of read and write
buffers may exist at the same time.
Read-Ahead Mode
Normally, this mode is active. Following a read request, disk read-ahead begins on
the first sector and continues sequentially until the allocated buffer is full. If a read
request is received during the read-ahead operation, the buffer is examined to
determine if the request is in the cache. If a cache hit occurs, read-ahead mode
continues without interruption and the host transfer begins immediately.
Automatic Write Reallocation (AWR)
This feature is part of the write cache and reduces the risk of data loss during
deferred write operations. If a disk error occurs during the disk write process, the
disk task stops and the suspect sector is reallocated to a pool of alternate sectors
located at the end of the drive. Following reallocation, the disk write task continues
until it is complete.
Write Cache Stacking
Normally, this mode is active. Write cache mode accepts the host write data into
the buffer until the buffer is full or the host transfer is complete. A command
complete interrupt is generated at the end of the transfer.
A disk write task begins to store the host data to disk. Host write commands
continue to be accepted and data transferred to the buffer until either the write
command stack is full or the data buffer is full. The drive may reorder write
commands to optimize drive throughput.