User`s guide

What is Maxtor OneTouch?
Maxtor OneTouch is an easy way to make backup copies of your
files. By pressing the button on the front of your drive, your files are
copied. It’s that simple.
How does the Maxtor OneTouch drive work?
Each time you touch the button, the Maxtor OneTouch drive opens
up Dantz Retrospect Express and makes a copy of the files on your
source drive, exactly as they exist.
Here are some important guidelines:
Only the current versions of your files are copied. The Maxtor
OneTouch drive does not keep backup copies made in
earlier sessions.
If you delete files from your source drive and then push the
button, those same files will also be deleted from your Maxtor
OneTouch drive.
Any files that are currently open will not be copied to the
Maxtor OneTouch drive. Close any files you want copied before
pressing the button.
Can I customize the Maxtor OneTouch Backup?
Yes. Using Retrospect Express, you can customize OneTouch
backup in a variety of ways. The default type is a
(outlined in”How does the Maxtor OneTouch drive work?” above).
You can even customize how the duplicate replaces files on the
destination drive.
If you modify the destination location for the Maxtor OneTouch
script or any other duplicate script in Retrospect, it will default to
“replace the entire contents” of the selected drive or folder. This
will erase all files on the destination drive’s backup folder and will
only copy the selected files from the source drive’s folder.
Use with caution!
It is strongly recommended that you:
Select the option to “Replace Corresponding Files”
(see Figure 7)
Define a folder on the destination drive dedicated to your
duplicate backups.
Figure 7.