User`s guide

Installing Your Drive 28
The following step will erase everything that currently
exists on your Maxtor OneTouch II drive. Check your
drive carefully to make sure there are no files on it you
wish to keep.
4. Click on the Volume Scheme pull-down menu and select
two partitions.
5. Select the first partition in this list and type in the capacity of
your system drive (you checked in step #1 above) to the Size
field. In the Name field, enter the name Maxtor
Bootable Backup.
6. The remaining space will be allocated to a second partition that
can be used for general storage, enter the name Maxtor Extra
Storage. When finished, click the OK button.
7. A warning message will appear. Click the Partition button
when you are ready.
8. After the partitioning process is completed, Quit Apple’s Disk
Utility. You should now see the two partitions as drive volumes
on your Desktop.
9. Go to the Apple menu and select System Preferences. Select
Security, click on the Tu rn O f f F ileVaulting button, then Quit
System Preferences.
10. Select the “Maxtor Bootable Backup” drive. Then from the
Finder, select File and Get Info.
11. From the drive's Info Window, click on Ownership &
Permissions and remove the check from Ignore ownership on
this volume. Type in your password and close the info window.
Set up Retrospect Express and back up your computer
1. Push the button on the front of your drive.
A window appears that says: ‘You need an administrator
password to start Retrospect.
Enter the Name and Password for your OS X system.
(This is the Name and Password you set up when you originally
installed OS X)
2. Click OK.
The next screen will appear:
‘Would you like to register Retrospect Express now?’
3. Choose Register Now, Register Later or Already Registered.
If you chose Register Now, go to the next step.
If you chose Register Later or Already Registered,
Retrospect Express will open. Go directly to Step 5.
4. Enter the required information on the form.
•Click Email to register via email
•Click Print to register via mail
•Click Register Later if you do not want to register at this time.
By registering
your new drive, you will have the option of
receiving product updates, special offers, and important
information about other data storage solutions from Maxtor.