User's Manual

Page 9
[Rename]: Rename the profile
[Ring settings]
SIM call ring:
set the SIM card of the ringing tone
SIM message ring:
set the SIM card message tone
[Adjust volume]
Caller ringtone: set the ringing tone volume
Message ringtone: ring volume settings information
Call volume:
Set the volume of calls
Alarm & calendar volume; set the alarm tone
Power ringtone:
the voice of setting switch
[Ring type]
Call alert: a ring, vibration, quiet, vibration and ringing
and ringing after the first five vibration incoming call
alert for you to choose
Message alert: a ring, vibration, mute, ringing and
message alert vibration four ways for you to choose
Alarm & calendar remind: a ring, vibration, mute,
ringing and message alert vibration four ways for you to