User Manual

Cleaning Your Refrigerator
UNPLUG the refrigerator and remove the shelf.
Wash the internal surfaces with a warm water and baking soda soluon. The soluon should consist of about 2 tablespoons
of baking soda dissolved in a quart of water.
Wash the shelf with a mild detergent soluon.
The outer surface of the refrigerator should be cleaned with mild detergent and warm water.
Wring excess water out of the sponge or cloth before cleaning the area of the controls, or any electrical parts.
Wash the outer surface of the cabinet with warm water and mild liquid detergent. Rinse well and wipe dry with a clean
so cloth.
Failure to unplug the refrigerator could result in electrical shock or personal injury.
Power Failure
Most power failures are corrected within a few hours and should not aect the temperature of your refrigerator if you minimize the
number of mes the door is opened. If the power is going to be o for a longer period of me, you need to take the proper steps to
protect your food.
Vacaon Time
Short vacaons: Leave the refrigerator operang during vacaons of less than three weeks.
Long vacaons: If the appliance will not be used for several months, remove all food and unplug the power cord. Clean and dry
the interior thoroughly. To prevent odor and mold growth, leave the door slightly open (block it open if necessary).
Moving Your Refrigerator
Remove all the food.
Securely tape down all loose items inside your refrigerator.
Tape the door shut.
Protect the outside of the refrigerator with a blanket or another similar item.
Energy Saving Tips
The refrigerator should be located in the coolest area of the room, away from heat producing appliances, and out of the
direct sunlight.
Overloading the refrigerator will force the thermoelectric cooling system to run longer.
Reduce door openings and extended searches, remove as many items as needed at one me, and close the door as soon as
A characterisc of thermoelectric units is the length of me they require to recover from having the door opened and shut
frequently. It may be necessary to wait longer for the temperature to return to its former level once the door has been
opened for too long. This is normal for this type of units.
Thermoelectric technology costs just pennies to operate. It is environmentally friendly due to the lack of CFCs.
You can solve many common refrigerator problems easily, saving you the cost of a possible service call. Try the suggesons below to
see if you can solve the problem before calling a service technician.
The refrigerator does not operate.
It is not plugged in.
The circuit breaker tripped or a fuse blew.
The appliance temperature control is set to the “OFF” posion.