
Options the number of hours you would like the Pots &
Pans cycle delayed.
Temp Boost Sensor
To Start Dishwasher
If for any reason the incoming water
temperature is below 120°F, press the On After loading set the dial to the desired cycle.
button to assure the water is heated to proper Press button for desired options.
temperature for best cleaning and drying NOTE: Run the water from the hot water tap to
results. The dial will pause at the -_ to extend clear the line of cold water before
the main wash and the Heating Delay light will starting.
turn on.
Press the Offbutton to cancel the Temp Boost Press the door until it latches. The cycle will
Sensor. begin with a drain prior to fill and the On
indicator will light.
Heated Rinse and Dry Options
Indicator Lights
RINSE TEMP When Delay Start is selected the Delay Start
Press the Sani button to turn the heating light glows until the cycle begins.
element on during all rinses. The Sani option
helps maintain water temperature and improve The On light indicates that the dishwasher is
drying results, operating.
Press the Normal button if Sani is not desired. At the end of the dry phase Clean will remain lit
The heating element will be off ill all rinses, until the dial has been advanced to the _.
FAN DRY The Heating Delay light indicates that the main
Press the Heat button to turn the heating wash is being extended to heat the water to
element on during the fan dry period. This proper temperature.
option improves drying results. Adding a Forgotten Item
Press the Air button to turn the heating element For best cleaning, the forgotten item should be
off during the fan dry period. Towel drying may added early in the cycle.
be necessary.
NOTE: Temp Boost Sensor, Rinse Temp and 1. Unlatch the door and wait until the sound of
Fan Dry options can be used separately cireulating water stops.
or together. 2. Open the door and add the item.
Delay Start 8. Pause before latching the door. The cycle will
You can delay the start of the Pots & Pans cycle continue at the point it was interrupted.
up to six hours. To set up a delay, turn the dial to