
What Can and Cannot Be manu_aeturer, simply test-wash a small item for
Washed in Your Dishwasher several weeks before attempting to wash an
entire set.
Most tableware, cookware and silverware can be
safely" washed in your Maytag dishwasher. If you REMEMBER: It is the user's responsibility to
have any doubts about a particular piece of determine ifdishware shouM be washed in a
dishware, check with the manufacturer to see if dishwasher
it is dishwasher safe. If you cannot reach the
Dishwasher' Dishwasher
Material Safe? Special Information Material Safe? Special Information
, ; , ,, i,
Aluminum Yes, except High water temperature and Pewter No High water temperatures
anodized alu- detergents may aft>ct finish, and detergent may
minum and Check cleaning instructions, discolor or pit finish.
some cook-
ware. Disposable No Cannot withstand high
Pl_es' water temperatures and
Cast Iron No Seasoning will be removed, : .... detergents.
and iron will rust.
Plastk_s : Yes Always check
China/ Yes, except Always check manufacturer's (If labeled manufacturer's
Stonewarl antique or recommendation before "dishwasher recommendation before
: hand-painted I washing. Antique hand- safe") washing. Plastics vary in
: china, painted or over-the-glaze , their capacity to withstand
patterns may fade. Gold leaf high water temperatures
may discolor. If in doubt, ....,, and detergents.
test-wash a small item for
several weeks before S_e_ Yes Run a Rinse & Hold Cycle
' washing an entire set. (select models) if not
washing immediately. Pro-
Yes, except Always check manufacturer's longed contact with foods
antique or recommendation before containing salt, vinegar,
lightweight washing. Some types of milk products or fnlit juice
delicate leaded crystal may etch " could damage finish.
: crystal, with repeated washings. '
If in doubt, test-wash a Yes, except Run a Rinse & Hold Cycle
small item for several those with (select models) if not
weeks before washing an commercial washing immediately. Pro-
entire set. "darkening". longed contact with food
, containing salt, acid or
Glass , Yes, except Milkglass will yellow with , sulfide (eggs, mayonnaise
milkglass, repeated dishwasher and seafood) could dam-
washing, age finish. Commercial
"darkening" may be
Gold- No Will discolor, removed by detergent.
Flatware No May"rest.
Hollow- No Handles may be attached No Always cheek manufac-
to the blade with adhesives turer's recommendation
which may loosen if before washing. Wood
dishwasher washed, may warp, crack or