Installation guide

You have two options for drilling the mounting holes for your oven.
First,you can drill from inside of the cabinet if you have adequate space and your shelves are removable.
Second, you can drill from the bottom.
If possible, it is generally easier to work from the inside of the cabinet. Use the instructions applicable to the approach you select. Make
sure you use the template properly depending whether you drill holes from the inside or bottom side of the cabinet.
Ifyou cannot drill from the inside, go to Instructions for Drilling From Bottom.
1. If your cabinet is less than 35cm(13 25/32") deep,cut off the front edge of Template2 the amount by which the cabinet depth is less
than 35cm(13 25/32"), usingthe template cut lines as a fuide. PlaceTemplate2insidecabinet. Cut around door jam and if necessary,
corners to make template fit.(The front edge of template must be even with the front edge of the cabinet.) Place Template 2 in
NOTE: For cabinets with a recessed shelf you must measure the thickness of the front rail and cut that amount off the front edge of
Template 2 using the template cut lines as a guide. This will allow Template 2 to lay flat in the shelf.
2. If you have a partition in the cabinet, you must do the following:
Cut Template 2 into two pieces to fit each side of the partition.
Position one piece of Template 2 inside the cabinet making sure that the front edge is even with the front edge of cabinet.
PostonTempatel on front of the cab net so that the arrow sa gnedwththehoecenter ne on Temp ate 2.
Position remaining piece of Template 2 inside cabinet and align the hole center lines with arrows on Template 1 so that
distance from right hole center to left hole center measures tSe distance indicated on the template. (You will have to cut
excess paper from the middle of Template 2 to make it lay fiat.)
Position the remaining piece of Template 2 inside cabinet.
Check again to make sure that the hole center lines on Template 2 are straight and that the distance from the right to left
drilling holes measures the distance indicated on the template.
Go to Drilling the Mounting Holes.
1, if you have a front rail, measure the thickness and cut that amount off the front edge of Template 2 using the template cut lines as a
2, Place cut edge of Template 2 against the back side of the front rail and position it flat against the bottom side of the cabinet.
NOTE: On some cabinets a small bracket or glue block is used between the overhang and the underside of the cabinet bottom. If this is
true of your cabinets, cut Template 2 to fit around the bracket or glue block so that it will be flat on the cabinet bottom when attached.
3. If you have a partition you must do the following:
Cut Template 2 into two pieces to fit on each side of the partition.
Position one piece of Template 2 under the cabinet. (The cut line along the front edge of Template 2 must be placed
against the back of the front rail.)
Attach Template 1 to rear of cabinet and align arrows with hole center line on Template 2.
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