Operation Manual

Electric Parking Brake
The electric parking brake equipment applies the parking brake using an
electric motor. The indicator light on the electric parking brake switch turns
on when the switch is turned on.
Applying the electric parking brake:
The electric parking brake can be applied regardless of the ignition switch
position. Securely depress the brake pedal and pull up the electric parking
brake switch. The electric parking brake is applied and the brake system
warning light and the electric parking brake switch indicator light turn on.
Releasing the electric parking brake:
The electric parking brake can be released while the ignition is switched
ON or while the engine is running. When the electric parking brake is
released, the brake system warning light and the electric parking brake
switch indicator light turn off.
Electric parking brake manual release:
Depress the brake pedal and press the electric parking brake switch.
Electric parking brake automatic release:
The parking brake is released automatically when
the accelerator pedal is depressed and all of the
following conditions met:
The engine is running.
The driver’s door is closed.
The driver’s seat belt is fastened.
- Selector lever is in the D, M, or R position.
- The gear shift is in a position other
than neutral.
- The clutch pedal is depressed halfway
Indicator Light
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1945220_16d_Mazda6_SSG_061815.indd 5 6/18/15 11:56 AM