Operation Manual

6. Safety instructions
We do not assume liability for resulting damages to property or personal injury if the product has been abused in any
way or damaged by improper use or failure to observe these operating instructions. The warranty will then expire! An
exclamation mark in a triangle indicates important information in the operating instructions. Carefully read the whole
operating instructions before operating the device, otherwise there is risk of danger.
Persons / Product
Please observe the safety instructions and operating guidelines of the other equipment this product will be connected to.
The product must not be exposed to substantial mechanical strain.
Do not expose the product to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, strong vibrations, excessive humidity, dampness, dust, easily
inammable gases, vapours or solvents.
Sufcient air circulation must be ensured, since the device is cooled primarily by means of circulating air.
Never place the device on a soft surface such as, for example, a carpet or a bed etc. This can prevent dissipation of heat from the device
and can lead to overheating.
Do not place vessels containing liquid such as ower pots, vases etc. on the device. Never pour any liquids onto the device. If any liquid or
an object does come into the appliance, remove the mains plug from the socket immediately and contact a specialist.
The device should not be connected immediately if it was brought into a warm room from an area with cold ambient temperature.
Condensation can destroy the device. Before using the product, wait until it has adjusted to the changed ambient temperature.
The device is constructed to the protection class I standard and may only be connected to a shock-proof socket.
Never disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket by the cable. Always remove the mains plug from the socket by the intended
nger hole.
When setting up the device, make sure that the connection cable is not being pinched or damaged by any sharp edges.
Use the device in a temperate climate only, not in a tropical climate.
The mains plug must be removed from the mains socket:
- before cleaning the product,
- during thunder storms and
- if the product will not be used for a longer period of time
The device may only be operated by persons who are familiar with the appropriate safety instructions and with these operating instructions.
A defective mains cable may only be replaced by a specialist. There is a danger of an electric shock.
Only a 220 - 240 V/AC, 50 Hz earthed power socket may be used as source of electric power. Never try to operate the device at another
Make sure that all electric connections and connecting cables between the device and any extension cables are correct.
The mains plug must never be unplugged with wet hands. There is danger of a life-threatening electric shock.
Always place the appliance on a stable base. The mixer falling down might injure people or the device could be damaged. Always make
sure the device is on a stable stand or is safely secured.
Make sure that the earth wire (yellow/green) is not interrupted, either in the power line, in any extension cable that may be connected or in/
at the device, since an interrupted earth wire is extremely dangerous. Operation without an earth connection is not permitted.
Live parts can be exposed when opening covers or removing parts, except when this can be done by hand. Connection points can also
be live. If the appliance needs to be opened for calibrating, maintenance, repair or to replace parts or assemblies, it must be disconnected
from all sources of current rst. If maintenance or repair on the opened, energised device is unavoidable, it may only be carried out by a
specialist who is familiar with the dangers associated with it and the relevant regulations.
This product is not a toy. Keep away from children and animals!
Do not leave packaging material unattended. This could become a dangerous toy for children.
Music played with a high sound pressure level (SPL) can lead to permanent hearing loss, which is treated as bodily harm and is a
punishable offence. Avoid exposing yourself to sound pressure levels of above 90 dBA over longer periods of time.
On commercial premises, the accident prevention regulations of the Association of Industrial Professional Associations with respect to electrical
systems and operating equipment must be observed.
Servicing, adjustment or repair works must only be carried out by a specialist/ specialist workshop.
If any questions arise that are not answered in this operating instruction, contact our Technical Advisory Service or other experts.