
Error Messages
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Error Messages
Please see the file sberrors.ini for more details of these error messages. You can
also find more information on error messages on our web site, www.mcafee.com.
Module codes
The following codes can be used to identify from which Endpoint Encryption module
the error message was generated.
5c00=SCOM, network comms;Protocol
5c02=SCOM, network comms;Cryptographic
db00=Database, database;Miscellaneous
db01=Database, database;Objects
db02=Database, database;Attributes
a100=ALG, encryption algorithms; Miscellaneous
1500 = Installer program errors
5C02: Communications, Crypto
[5c020000] The Diffie-Hellmen data is invalid or corrupt
[5c020001] An unsupported encryption algorithm has been requested
[5c020002] An unsupported authentication algorithm has been requested
[5c020003] Unable to sign data
[5c020004] Authentication signature is not valid
[5c020005] Authentication parameters are invalid or corrupt
[5c020006] Failed while generating DSA parameters
[5c020007] No session key has been generated
[5c020008] Unable to authenticate user
[5c020009] Session key too big
5C00: Communications, Protocol
[5c000000] Unsupported version
The server and client are not talking the same communications protocol version
[5c000005] Out of memory