
Encryption keys
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This dialog presents information about the Keys group. You may type in some
description for the group in the field. Click Apply to save any changes.
This dialog sets the validity parameters for the keys within the group.
Key is enabled
This option enables/disables the keys within the group. Disabled keys cannot be
retrieved by users and cannot thus be used to encrypt/decrypt data.
You can specify a date where the key will be valid until. After this date access to the
key (and therefore access to data protected by it) will be denied.
Allow keys to be cached locally
Enables local caching of the key. Normally keys are obtained on access from the
network Endpoint Encryption database. This means that the only way to access
protected data is to have a good connection to the Endpoint Encryption database.
If you need data to be available to users’ offline, you can allow local caching of a
particular key or on keys within a controlled group.
For the first time a key is requested, the user must authenticate against a Endpoint
Encryption Database to obtain a fresh copy of the key. If the Database is not
accessible then the user authenticates against a local key cache and queries it for a