Owner`s manual

Press the Front Panel INPUT/TRIM Control to acti-
vate the MA7900 Trim Functions. Rotate the Front
Panel INPUT/TRIM Control to select the desired Trim
Function and then rotate the VOLUME/ADJUST Con-
trol to vary or make changes. Refer to figure 50. The
Remote Control TRIM and LEVEL +/- Push-buttons
may also be used. Approximately 5 seconds after Trim
Function Selection and/or adjustments have stopped
the MA7900 will switch off the Trim Mode.
Press the MUTE Push-button to Mute the Audio in
Output 1 (Loudspeakers), Output 2 and Headphones.
The audio signals present at the REC OUTPUT jacks
are not effected by activating the mute function. The
Front Panel Display will indicate the Source Name and
with the word MUTE in place of the actual volume
setting. Refer to figure 69.
Pressing the Mute Push-button a second time
or adjusting the volume control will un-mute the
Headphones Jack
Connect a pair of dynamic headphones to the Head-
phones Jack for private listening. Press OUTPUT
1 and/or 2 Push-buttons to mute the Loudspeakers.
Refer to figure 50.
Note: The Headphone Output is optimized for imped-
ances ranging from 20 to 600 ohms.
2. Press TRIM LEVEL + / - Push-button to switch
Off the Meter Illumination. Refer to figure 68.
After approximately 5 seconds the Display returns to
indicate the Source Selection and Volume Level.
Notes: 1. For information on how the Front Panel
Display Brightness can change with the Meter
Illumination On/Off Setting, refer to page 26
“Display Brightness”.
2. Meter Illumination of recent McIntosh Power
Amplifiers will also switch On/Off when con-
nected to the MA7900 via a power control cable.
Equalizer Bypass
Press the Front Panel EQ BYPASS Push-button to
remove the MA7900 Equalizer Control Circuitry from
the signal path for the currently selected Input Source.
The LED above the EQ BYPASS Push-button will il-
luminate. Refer to figure 50. The MA7900 remembers
for each selected Input whether the Equalizer Control
Circuitry is deactivated. To reactivate the Equalizer
Control Circuitry for the currently selected Input
Source press the EQ BYPASS Push-button.
Note: 1. The audio signal present at the RECORD OUT
Jacks is unaffected by the Tone Circuitry.
2. The EQ BYPASS can also be accessed by the
TRIM Function, refer to page 24.
By default the Digital Audio Display is switched Off.
To display information about the type of digital signal
present when any one of the three digital inputs is
selected, perform the following steps:
1. Select one of the Inputs assigned to an active digital
Note: The USB-D/A Input may also be selected when
the MA7900 is connected to a computer.
2. Press the TRIM Push-button on the Remote Con-
trol until “DIGITAL AUDIO, Display Info: On”
is indicated on the Front Panel Display. Refer to
figure 65.
3. If it is not desirable to display the information use
the TRIM LEVEL + / - Push-button to switch it
Off. Refer to figure 66.
After approximately 5 seconds the Display will return
to indicate the Source Selection and Volume Level.
The MA7900 Front Panel Meter Illumination may be
switched On or Off by performing the following:
1. Press the TRIM Push-button on the Remote
Control until “METER BACKLIGHT, Lights:
On” appears on the Front Panel Display. Refer to
f igu re 67.
Figure 65
Display Info : On
How to Operate the MA7900, con’t
Figure 66
Display Info : Off
Figure 67
Lights: On
Figure 68
Lights: Off
Figure 69