Owner`s manual

The McIntosh MDA1000 D/A Converter has been factory
configured for operating settings that allow immediate en-
joyment of superb high fidelity audio without the need for
further adjustments. If you wish to make changes to the fac-
tory default settings, refer to the SETUP Section of this
Owners Manual starting on page 12.
Power On and Off
1. Press the POWER Switch to ON, the Red LED above
the STANDBY/ON Push-button lights to indicate the
MDA1000 is in Standby Mode. To Switch On the
MDA1000 press the STANDBY/ON Push-button. The
LED above the STANDBY/ON Push-button will illu-
minate and the Front Panel Display will indicate “BY-
PASS ON” for several seconds and then “1 COAXIAL
44.1”. Refer to figures 10, 11 and 12.
Notes: 1. The first time the MDA1000 POWER Switch is
set to On it is not necessary to press the
STANDBY/ON Push-button.
2. For normal operation, switch the MDA1000
On and Off with the Standby/On Push-button.
If the MDA1000 is not going to be used for an
extended period of time, turn Off all AC
Power with the Power Switch.
3. If there is no digital signal present at the
Coaxial Digital Input 1 the Front Panel
Alphanumeric Display will indicate “1
COAXIAL” and not “1 COAXIAL 44.1”.
How to Operate the MDA1000
After the first time the MDA1000 is turned
On, the alphanumeric display will indicate
the last Digital Input Selected and any Re-
Title change made to that Input.
4. If the BYPASS OFF Mode has been selected,
the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display will
also indicate “LEVEL __” between
indications of “BYPASS OFF” and title of the
Input selected. Refer to figures 13 and 14.
Input Selection
Select the desired Source with the Front Panel INPUT Con-
trol or using the appropriate the Push-buttons on the Re-
mote Control. Refer to figures 12 and 15.
Volume Control
When the BYPASS OFF Mode of operation has been se-
lected, the Front Panel Level Control is active allowing for
changes in the volume level. The remote control supplied
with the MDA1000 will also allow for volume level changes
by using the LEVEL Up (+) / Down (-) Push-buttons. Refer
to figures 13, 14 and 15.
Note: When the MDA1000 is connected to a Preamplifier Input
and the LEVEL Control is active, LEVEL Control settings above
81 (as indicated on the Front Panel Alphanumeric Display) may
cause some Preamplifier Inputs to overload due to the high
signal level. If the BYPASS ON Mode of operation has been
Figure 11
Figure 14
Figure 13
Figure 10
Figure 12