Owner`s manual

Shielded 768kHz Up Sampling Module
The McIntosh designed Up Sampling Module converts all
of the incoming Digital Signals to the higher frequency of
768kHz with 24Bit resolution before the Digital to Analog
process begins.
Shielded 24 Bit Digital to Analog Circuits
The MDA1000 utilizes McIntosh’s own specially designed
24-bit Balanced Parallel Digital to Analog Converter Circu-
itry operating at 768kHz. This offers the widest possible
dynamic range, lowest noise level and extremely low distor-
tion. All of this produces sound quality that is truly excep-
Special Analog Filter and Output Amplifier
The third order Butterworth gentle slope analog filter re-
moves any remaining digital artifacts from the output sig-
nal. The low impedance Output Amplifer drives both the
Balanced and Unbalanced Output Connections.
Balanced and Unbalanced Outputs
Balanced connections guard against induced noise and al-
low long cable runs without compromising sound quality.
There are also Unbalanced connections for components
without Balanced Inputs.
Precision Tracking Volume Control
Volume levels are controlled by a Precision Digitally Con-
trolled Attenuator System with a tracking accuracy of
0.1dB. There is also a Volume Control Bypass Mode for a
fixed output level.
Alphanumeric Fluorescent Display
The Multifunction Front Panel Display indicates the Source
Selection, Volume Levels and the Setup Mode Selections.
The displays intensity is fully adjustable.
Digital Inputs with Title Reassignment
The MDA1000 has provisions for three Coaxial Digital In-
Performance Features
puts, three Optical Digital Inputs and one XRL Balanced
Digital Input. Any of the seven inputs can have their Input
Title reassigned to match the sources connected to the
Precision Parts
Only the finest precision 1% tolerance metal film resistors
and 5% tolerance Polyfilm Fliter Capacitors are used
Low Distortion
Distortion levels of all types are less than 0.002%. Music is
amplified with total transparency and accuracy.
Remote Power, Data Control and External IR Input
Remote Power Control In/Out allows the MDA1000 to turn
On/Off with a McIntosh Audio Control Center. The Data
Port Input allows Remote Control Operation from another
McIntosh Component. The IR Input allows for the connec-
tion of an IR Receiver.
Remote Control Operation
A Remote Control is included that allows for complete con-
trol of major functions.
Glass Front Panel
The famous McIntosh Illuminated Glass Front Panel with a
three dimensional look ensures the pristine beauty of the
MDA1000 will be retained for many years.
Fiber Optic Solid State Front Panel Illumination
The Illumination of the Front Panel is accomplished by the
combination of custom designed Fiber Optic Light Diffusers
and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). This provides even
Front Panel Illumination, together with the extra long life
Machined Top and Side Panels
The Top and Side of the MDA1000 are machined from
thick aluminum panels with a smooth black anodized finish.
In the recessed area of the Top Panel is a screened glass
panel with a block diagram of the MDA1000’s circuitry.
Special Power Supply
A fully regulated Power Supply with a special R-Core
Power Transformer, ensures stable noise free operation even
though the power line varies.
Introduction and Performance Features
The new McIntosh MDA1000 D/A Converter offers a
highly refined Balanced/Parallel Circuit utilizing eight of
Burr Brown’s most sophisticated 24 Bit Digital to Analog
(D/A) chips. Combine a MDA1000 with a McIntosh
MCD1000 CD Transport and you will enjoy a playback
system of unparalleled performance.