Owner`s manual

Used to select a narrow listening area of Room Cor-
rection in the MEN220 Audio Signal Output. Refer to
figure 4.
Note: In order for the MEN220 to provide room cor-
rection, the Setup Mode “RoomPerfect” must be
performed first.
When selected all Room Correction (RoomPerfect
Focus or Global) is removed from the MEN220 Audio
Signal Output. Refer to figure 5.
Note: Crossover Settings made in the Setup Mode are
still active and effecting the MEN220 Audio Sig-
nal Outputs.
After Room Correction (RoomPerfect Focus or
Global) is active, some music recordings might require
slight equalization modifications to restore musical
balance. The MEN220 has built in six different varia-
tions to select from to restore musical balance. Refer
to figures 6 and 7.
Note: The Voicing Mode may be used even when
the RoomPerfect Mode is not active, however
its effect may become less noticeable. Refer
to figure 8.
The Remote Control is capable of performing both
basic Operating Functions and Setup Options for the
MEN220 Room Correction System.
Notes: Refer to the “How to Operate” and “How to
Operate Setup Mode” Sections of this manual for
additional information using this Remote Control.
Power On
To Switch ON the MEN220 press the (Power)
Push-button on the Remote Control. The Front Panel
Information Display top line will indicate “RoomPer-
fect: Muted” for approximately two seconds after turn
on. Refer to figure 1.
Used to enter and exit from the SETUP Mode of op-
eration. Refer to figure 2.
Used to select a wide listening area of Room Correc-
tion in the MEN220 Audio Signal Output. Refer to
figure 3.
Note: In order for the MEN220 to provide room cor-
rection, the Setup Mode “RoomPerfect” must be
performed first.
How to use the Remote Control
How to use the Remote Control
MEN220 Setup Menu
Input Settings >
Figure 2
Focus 1
Voicing 0:Neutral
Figure 4
RoomPerfect: Muted
Voicing 0:Neutral
Figure 1
Figure 3
Voicing 0:Neutral
Figure 5
Voicing 0:Neutral
New Voicing:
3: Mellow
Figure 6
Voicing 3:Mellow
Figure 8
Figure 7
Focus 1
Voicing 3: Mellow