Owner`s manual

How to Operate the Setup Mode
The Default Settings Chart below indicates the Func-
tion Name, Default Setting and the Page Number for
additional information.
Default Settings
MEN220 Default Settings
Function Name Setting Page no.
Input Connection Unbalanced 18
System Connection Preamp - Power Amp 18
Out 1 (Hi) Full Range 19
Out 2 (Lo) Full Range 19
High Pass Filter Type Butterworth 1 ord 19-20
High Pass Frequency 300Hz 19-20
Low Pass Filter Type Butterworth 1 ord 19-20
Low Pass Frequency 300Hz 19-20
Output 1 (Hi) 0.0dB 20
Output 2 (Lo) 0.0dB 20
Distance Units Inches 21
L1 0” 21
R1 0” 21
L2 0” 21
R2 0” 21
Front Panel Sensor: On 22
Display Intensity 100% 22
McIntosh MEN220 SW Version: _._ _ 22
The McIntosh MEN220 has been factory configured
for default settings allowing for very basic operation.
To benefit from all the MEN220 capabilities includ-
ing Room Correction and the Electronic Crossover, it
will require using the MEN220 Setup Mode and going
through the options and functions. This is performed
using the Front Panel Information Display and sup-
plied RoomPerfect Calibration Microphone.
Notes: 1. Assemble the supplied Microphone Holder/
Stand/Boom Adapter and connect the Micro-
phone to the MEN220 Microphone Connector
on the Rear Panel using the supplied cable.
2. If the MEN220 is currently On, proceed to
step 2.
When performing the following Setup Instructions
please refer to the MEN220 Setup Menu Diagram
located on the separate folded sheet “Mc3B” for an
overall view of the menu structure.
1. Press the STANDBY/ON Push-button on the Front
Panel or press the (Power) Push-button on the
Remote Control to switch On the MEN220. The
Front Panel Information Display top line will
indicate “RoomPerfect: Muted” for approximately
two seconds after turn on. Refer to figure 9. The
Front Panel will then indicate the previous opera-
tion settings for RoomPerfect and Voicing. Refer
to figure 10.
2. Press the MENU Push-button to enter the Setup
Mode. Refer to figure 11.
3. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control one detent position
at a time or use the directional ◄ ► Push-buttons
on the Remote Control to view the main Setup
Menu Modes (Input Settings, Output Setings,
RoomPerfect, Advanced Settings and Exit Menu).
Refer to figures 12, 13, 14, and 15.
4. To exit from the Setup Mode, press the MENU
Push-button and the Front Panel Display will re-
vert back to its normal display. Refer to figure 10.
It is important to follow the sequence of the Setup
Mode Adjustments starting on page 18, as some of
these adjustments are interactive.
Figure 9
RoomPerfect: Muted
Voicing 0:Neutral
Figure 10
Voicing 0:Neutral
Figure 13
MEN220 Setup Menu
< RoomPerfect >
Figure 15
MEN220 Setup Menu
< Exit_Menu
Figure 12
MEN220 Setup Menu
< Output Settings >
Figure 14
MEN220 Setup Menu
< Advanced Settings >
Figure 11
MEN220 Setup Menu
Input Settings >