Owner`s manual

4. Press the SELECT Push-button and the “System
Connection, Preamp - Power Amp” (the default
setting) will appear. Refer to figure 22.
5. If the MEN220 is connected to the Processor Loop
of the Preamplifier, rotate the ADJUST Control
or use the Directional ▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the
Remote Control to select the “System Connection,
Processor Loop”. Refer to figure 23.
6. Press the SELECT Push-button to enter either
7. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control one detent position
at a time or use the Directional ◄ ► Push-buttons
on the Remote Control to select “Input Settings,
System Connection, or the “Exit Menu. Refer to
figures 20 and 21.
Proceed to “Output Settings” or to exit from the Setup
Mode, press the MENU Push-button and the Front
Panel Display will revert back to its normal display.
Refer to figure 10.
on the Remote Control to select “Input Settings,
System Connection, or the “Exit Menu. Refer to
figures 20 and 21.
Proceed to “System Connections” or to exit from the
Setup Mode, press the MENU Push-button and the
Front Panel Display will revert back to its normal
display. Refer to figure 10.
The MEN220 Input Setup allows for the selection of
input connection type, Unbalanced or Balanced.
1. Press the MENU Push-button to enter the Setup
Mode. Refer to figure 16.
2. Press the SELECT Push-button and the “Input
Settings, Input Connection” will appear on the
Information Display. Refer to figure 17.
3. Press the SELECT Push-button again and the
“Input Connection, Unbalanced” will appear. Refer
to figure 18.
4. The MEN220 default Input Connection Type is the
Unbalanced Inputs. To change to the Balanced In-
puts rotate the ADJUST Control or use the Direc-
tional ▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control
to select the Balanced Inputs. Refer to figure 19.
5. Press the SELECT Push-button to enter either
6. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control one detent position
at a time or use the Directional ◄ ► Push-buttons
Input Connections Settings
Figure 19
Input Connection
Input Connection
Figure 18
Figure 20
Input Settings
< System Connection>
Figure 22
System Connection
Preamp - Power Amp
Figure 23
System Connection
Processor Loop
Figure 17
Input Settings
Input Connection >
Figure 21
MEN220 Setup Menu
< Exit_Menu
MEN220 Setup Menu
Input Settings >
Figure 16
Input Setup also allows for selecting how the MEN220
is connected into a system, either between the Pream-
plifier/Power Amplifier or in the Preamplifier Proces-
sor Loop.
1. Press the MENU Push-button to enter the Setup
Mode. Refer to figure 16.
2. Press the SELECT Push-button and the “Input
Settings, Input Connection” will appear on the
Information Display. Refer to figure 17.
3. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control or use the Direc-
tional ◄ ► Push-buttons on the Remote Control
to select “Input Settings, System Connection.
Refer to figure 20.
Figure 10
Voicing 0:Neutral
System Connections Settings