Owner`s manual

Notes: 1. 125Hz is one-half times the Loudspeaker
Low Frequency/High Frequency passive
crossover point of 250Hz.
2. 40Hz is one-half times the Loudspeaker
Low Frequency/High Frequency passive
crossover point of 80Hz.
11. Press the SELECT Push-button and figure 29 will
12. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control (or use the Direc-
tional ◄ ► Push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “Output Setting, Low Pass Filter”. Refer
to figure 34.
13. Press the SELECT Push-button and the default
Crossover Setting will appear. Refer to figure 35.
14. Rotate the ADJUST Control (or use the Directional
▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control) to
select “LowPass Filter Type, LinkwitzRiley 4 ord”.
Refer to figure 36.
15. Press the SELECT Push-button and “Low Pass
Frequency, 300Hz” will appear. Refer to figure 37.
4. Press the SELECT Push-button and the default
Crossover Setting will appear. Refer to figure 26.
5. Rotate the ADJUST Control (or use the Direction-
al ▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control) to
select “Out1(Hi):High-Pass”. Refer to figure 27.
6 Rotate the NAVIGATE Control (or use the direc-
tional ◄ ► Push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “Out2(Hi):Full Range”. Then Rotate the
ADJUST Control (or use the Directional ▲ ▼
Push-buttons on the Remote Control) to select
“Out2(Lo):Low-Pass”. Refer to figure 27.
7. Press the SELECT Push-button and “Output Set-
tings Crossover Options” will appear. Refer to
figure 25 on page 19.
8. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control (or use the Direc-
tional ◄ ► Push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “Output Settings, High Pass Filter”. Refer
to figure 29.
9. Press the SELECT Push-button and the default
Crossover Setting will appear. Refer to figure 30.
Output Settings, con’t
10. Rotate the ADJUST Control (or use the Directional
▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control) to se-
lect “HighPass Filter Type, LinkwitzRiley 4 ord”.
Refer to figure 31.
11. Press the SELECT Push-button and “High Pass
Frequency, 300Hz” will appear. Refer to figure 32.
At this time refer the Loudspeaker Owner’s Manual
Specification Page to determine if Low Frequency
(Woofer) to High Frequency (Midrange/Tweeter)
crossover frequency is 80Hz or 250Hz.
12. Rotate the ADJUST Control (or use the Direc-
tional ▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “High Pass Frequency, 125Hz” when the
Loudspeaker Crossover Frequency is 250Hz. Refer
to figure 33A.
If the Loudspeaker Crossover Frequency is 80Hz
select “High Pass Frequency, 40Hz”. Refer to
figure 33B.
Figure 32
High Pass Frequency
Figure 37
Low Pass Frequency
Figure 29
Output Settings
< High Pass Filter >
Figure 34
Output Settings
< Low Pass Filter >
Figure 31
HighPass Filter Type
LinkwitzRiley 4 ord
Figure 36
LowPass Filter Type
LinkwitzRiley 4 ord
Figure 33A
High Pass Frequency
Figure 35
LowPass Filter Type
Butterworth 1 ord
Figure 30
HighPass Filter Type
Butterworth 1 ord
Figure 27
Figure 26
Out1(Hi):Full Range
Full Range
Figure 33B
High Pass Frequency