Owner`s manual

16. Rotate the ADJUST Control (or use the Direc-
tional ▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “Low Pass Frequency, 500Hz” when the
Loudspeaker Crossover Frequency is 250Hz. Refer
to figure 38A.
If the Loudspeaker Crossover Frequency is 80Hz
select “Low Pass Frequency, 160Hz”. Refer to
figure 38B.
Notes: 1. 500Hz is two times the Loudspeaker Low
Frequency/High Frequency passive cross-
over point of 250Hz.
2. 160Hz is two times the Loudspeaker Low
Frequency/High Frequency passive cross-
over point of 80Hz.
17. Press the SELECT Push-button followed by the
MENU Push-button.
Proceed to “Output Levels” or to exit from the Setup
Mode, press the MENU Push-button and the Front
Panel Display will revert back to its normal display.
1. Press the MENU Push-button to enter the Setup
Mode. Refer to figure 16 on page 18.
2. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control (or use the Direc-
tional ▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “Output Settings”. Refer to figure 24 on
page 19.
3. Press the SELECT Push-button and the “Output
Settings, Crossover Options” will appear. Refer to
figure 25 on page 19.
4. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control (or use the Direc-
tional ▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “Output Settings, Output Levels. Refer
to figure 40.
5. Press the SELECT Push-button and the default
Output Level Settings will appear. Refer to
figure 41.
The MEN220 “Output Level” default setting for
both Output 1 and Output 2 is 0.0dB, no change in
volume between input and output. In some system
component configurations it might be desirable to
change the volume level going to the Power Ampli-
fier connected to Output 1 versus the Power Ampli-
fier connected to Output 2. The range of adjustment
for both Output 1 and Output 2 is 0.0dB to -12.0dB
with one tenth of a decible steps. To make changes in
the Output Levels perform the following:
6. Select either Output 1 or 2 by using the NAVI-
GATE Control (a flashing cursor will indicate
which Output is selected). Refer to figure 42.
7. Rotate the ADJUST Control to reduce the Output
volume to the desire level. Refer to figure 43.
1. Press the MENU Push-button to enter the Setup
Mode. Refer to figure 16 on page 18.
2. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control (or use the Direc-
tional ▲ ▼ push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “Output Settings”. Refer to figure 24 on
page 19.
3. Press the SELECT Push-button and the “Output
Settings, Crossover Options” will appear. Refer to
figure 25 on page 19.
4. Rotate the NAVIGATE Control (or use the Direc-
tional ▲ ▼ Push-buttons on the Remote Control)
to select “Output Settings, Delay Settings”. Refer
to figure 44.
5. Press the SELECT Push-button and the default
Delay Distance Units of “Inches” will appear.
Refer to figure 45.
6. To change the distance measurement to “Cen-
timeters” rotate the ADJUST Control. Refer to
figure 46.
Figure 46
Distance Units
Figure 45
Distance Units
Figure 42
Out1(Hi): 0. dB
): 0.0 dB
Figure 43
Out1(Hi): -3.5 dB
): 0.0 dB
Figure 44
Output Settings
< Delay Settings >
Figure 40
Output Settings
< Output Levels >
Figure 41
Out1(Hi): 0.0 dB
): 0.0 dB
Figure 38A
Low Pass Frequency
Setup, con’t
Figure 38B
Low Pass Frequency