Owner's Manual

How to Operate, con’t
in the new Station for that Preset. The new
Station will automatically replace the previ-
ously assigned Station.
7. To clear any additional Station Presets perform
steps 5 and 6 again.
After the creation of Preset(s), use the Front Panel
PRESET/MENU Control to select the desired Sta-
tion Preset or by using the Remote Control, PRESET
or PRESET Push-buttons. Direct access is also
possible by pressing the PRESET Push-button fol-
lowed by entering the number of Preset using the 0-9
numeric Push-buttons on the Remote Control.
Stereo/Mono Mode
The MR87 Tuner automatically switches between Ste-
reo and Monaural FM Broadcasts. When a Stereo FM
Broadcast is received, the “ST” LED behind the dial
glass will illuminate and the Front Panel Information
Display indicates the Stereo Mode by the letters “ST”.
To change the reception mode to MONO press and
release the Front Panel MONO Push-button to com-
bine left and right stereo signals to a FM Monophonic
signal. The LED above the MONO Push-button will
illuminate. Refer to figure 50.
Display of Multipath and Noise
The relative signal strength of the received Station
indicated as vertical columns on the right side of the
Front Panel Information Display is only one indication
of the signal quality. Refer to figure 51.
The MR87 Tuner provides two additional displays
to better indicate the quality of the received FM Sta-
tion Signal. These displays include Mulitpath and
Noise. To activate these two displays perform the
1. Press and release the Front Panel SIGNAL Push-
button. The LED above the SIGNAL Push-button
will illuminate The Front Panel Information Dis-
play will indicate “Mpath: _ _ _ _ Noise: _ _ _ _”
on the second line of the Front Panel Information
Display. Refer to figure 52.
Multipath interferance occurs when the MR87 re-
ceives two or more signals from the Tuned to Broad-
cast Station. The first signal received is the direct
signal from the station and any additional signals re-
ceived occur as a result of a direct signal reflected off
of some object such a building or terrain (hill/moun-
tain). The reflected signal(s) arrives at the FM An-
tenna delayed in time do to the longer travel distance
incurred. This delayed signal results in an increase in
distortion and a reduction in Stereo Separation. As a
side note, Multipath is what produces “ghosts” on an
analog TV Signal for the same reason. Refer to figure
53. To reduce or eliminate Multipath, reorient the FM
Antenna for minimum indication of Multipath even if
the Signal Strength indicates less signal.
Noises received along with the desired FM Broad-
cast Signal can occur from a variety sources, both
local and distant. If orienting the FM Antenna doesnt
either reduce or eliminate the noise, an antenna with
more gain and directional capability might be re-
quired. Refer to figure 54.
Figure 50
P1 91.5 MHz ST ¦
Pink Floyd: Money
Figure 52
91.5 MHz ST ¦
Mpath: Noise:
Figure 53
91.5 MHz ST ¦
Mpath:¦¦¦ Noise:
Figure 54
91.5 MHz ST ¦
Mpath: Noise:¦¦¦
Figure 51
91.5 MHz ST ¦