Owner`s manual

at a time, until sound is heard from all channels.
Refering to figure 19B press the SELECT Push-
11. Return to the “Speaker and Room Setup” Menu by
pressing the SETUP Push-button.
After having completed “Speaker Configuration, it
is now time to activate the RoomPerfect Mode. If for
some reason RoomPerfect Mode will not be used,
proceed to “Level Offsets” at this time
At this time, using the procedures outlined in steps 6
thru 8, enter any changes necessary so the “Speaker
Configuration” settings agree with the Loudspeak-
ers in your Home Theater System. Then make sure to
save the new settings.
Note: With the exception of using Loudspeakers set to
XXL or XL in the MX151 Speaker Configuration
Menu, the correct setting for subwoofer is 80Hz
(default setting). For additional information contact
your McIntosh Dealer.
9. To verify all channels in the Home Theater System
are functioning, use the q(down) Push-buttons to
highlight the “Verify Current Setup” option in the
“Speaker Configuration” Menu. Refer to figure 14
on page 23. Then press the SELECT Push-button.
Refer to figure 19A.
10. At this time a test signal should be heard from the
Front Left Loudspeaker (if necessary, increase the
Volume Setting). If for some reason no sound is
heard, check the Loudspeaker, Power Amplifier
and all cabling for the Front Left Channel until
sound is heard before proceeding. Test the rest of
the Loudspeakers in the system by pressing the
SELECT Push-button for each Loudspeaker, one
Conrm Exit
All unsaved changes will
be lost. Really abort?
Figure 19
The RoomPerfect Measure and Adjustment Process
uses multiple measurement locations in the listening
room to achieve the best possible acoustical results.
The Focus Position (location in the room) is typically
where one would be during serious viewing and listen-
ing. The Room Positions are other locations in the
room where non critical viewing and listening occurs.
Notes: 1. Assemble the supplied Microphone Holder/
Stand/Boom Adapter and connect the Micro-
phone to the MX151 MICROPHONE Con-
nector on the Rear Panel using the supplied
2. Set the trim controls on the MX151 to the flat
setting position and the volume control to the
normal listening volume level.
3. It might be advisable to temporarily switch
off the room/house heating/cooling system
while the Room Perfect measurement process
is occurring. If there are open windows,
they should be closed. All of these steps will
allow lower testing volume levels and more
accurate measurements.
4. The following steps along with the various
On-Screen Menus illustrated in this Owner’s
Manual, are for the first time RoomPerfect
is run. The next time RoomPerfect is run
some of the On-Screen Menus will change to
reflect the already stored settings.
1. Press the SETUP Push-button to enter the Setup
Mode. Using the Upp or Downq Push-buttons to
highlight “Speaker and Room Setup” and press the
SELECT Push-button. Refer to figure 20.
2. Then using the Remote Control select “RoomPer-
fect”. Refer to figure 21.
3. Press the SELECT Push-button and the “RoomPer-
fect Guided Setup” will appear. Press the SELECT
Push-button again and “Starting Guide Setup,
Verify Conguration
Output : Laker and Room Setup
Volume : -39.0dB
High-pass 80Hz
Figure 19A
Verify Conguration
Successfully veried
Speaker Conguration
Figure 19B