Owner`s manual

How to Operate the MX151, con’t
2. Press the LEVEL +/- Push-button until the desired
increase or decrease in volume level for the Loud-
speaker is achieved.
Bass and Treble
The MX151 allows for changing the tonal response for
any of the inputs via the Bass and Treble Adjustments.
The tonal response can be adjusted up or down by
10dB from the flat setting. To change the Bass and/or
Treble volume level perform the following steps:
1. Press the TRIM Push-button until the “Bass:” or
“Treble:” is indicated on the Front Panel Display.
Refer to figures 67 and 68.
2. Press the LEVEL +/- Push-button until the desired
increase or decrease in tonal response is achieved.
There may be times when a particular Audio/Video
Program has a synchronization difficulty between the
Video and Audio infomation. This usally becomes
noticable when a person is talking and the movement
of their Lips is delayed from the sound you are hear-
ing. The MX151 has the ability to add delay the sound
in 10 milliseconds (ms) increments up to 400ms. To
change the delay perform the following steps:
Note: When the Lipsync problem is with a single
source component or between several compo-
nents in a system the MX151 Setup Mode allows
storing the correction into memory. Refer to
page 29 “Zone A Source Setup” or “Advanced
Audio Setupon page 31.
1. Press the TRIM Push-button until “Lipsync:” is
indicated on the Front Panel Display. Refer to
figure 69.
2. Press the LEVEL + Push-button until the audio is
in sync with the video.
Front Panel Information Display Brightness
The Front Panel Information Display has four Bright-
ness Levels (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) and may be
changed by performing the following:
1. Press the TRIM Push-button until “VDF Level:
is indicated on the Front Panel Display. Refer to
figure 70.
2. Press the LEVEL +/- Push-button until the bright-
ness is at the desired level.
Note: The Front Panel Information Display may
also be switched Off by changing the Setup
Mode “VFD Feedback” setting. Refer to
page 34.
Power Amplifier Meter Lights
The MX151 can control the Illumination of Meters in
McIntosh Power Amplifier(s) with Remote Meter Il-
lumination Control Circuitry. To switch Off the Meter
Illumination perform the following:
1. Press the TRIM Push-button until “Amp lights:
is indicated on the Front Panel Display. Refer to
figure 71.
2. Press the LEVEL +/- Push-button until the Meter-
Illumination is Off.
Surround Mode
The MX151 provides five different default Surround
Modes and up to sixteen assignable Custom Surround
Modes. The MX151 Signal Processing Circuitry first
looks at the incoming audio signal and determines if
the signal is two channel or multichannel (more than
two channels). The incoming signal will be processed
depending on the MX151 Surround Mode setting.
When the MX151 is in the “No Processing” Surround
Mode, the incoming signal format determines how the
signal will be processed. For example, if the incom-
ing signal is a Dolby Digital 5.1 signal the MX151 will
decode it into 5.1 audio. The chart below shows the
default processing applied:
Surround Mode
2 Channel
Input Signal
Input Signal
No Post
No Post Processing No Post Processing
DLPIIx Movie No Post Processing
DLPIIx Music No Post Processing
No Post Processing Stereo
DLPIIx Game No Post Processing
Figure 66
Trim Surrounds:
Figure 67
Figure 68
Figure 69
Figure 70
VFD Level:
Figure 71
Amp lights: