User manual

Page 33
12.2 Faultfinding NAV6 display
Fault Possible cause
LCD blank, RED LED
Green wire connected to 12 V
Disconnect green wire – it should not be
connected other than for programming
LCD blank, RED LED
No power
Check that 12 V is connected to RED wire and
0 V to its BLACK pair
RED LED flashing with
a period of 2 seconds.
Display not operating.
Low voltage
There is insufficient voltage supplying the
RED LED flashing with
a period of 15 seconds.
Display not operating.
Sleep Mode
Press any key to activate the display
No NAVTEX messages
received (in view)
No NAVTEX channel selected; see ‘No 518 or
490 icon on the status line’ below.
Check you are in range of a NAVTEX station.
Check message age limit setting, decreases
age limit to bring older messages into view.
Check for SIG or ERR on status line; see
No error icon, refer to Appendix II.
SIG on status line
(signal fault)
If this icon appears for short periods – don’t
worry – it’s caused by one or more NAVTEX
stations transmitting carrier but no modulation,
or by local interference.
If this icon persists then you may have a
receiver error or interference from nearby
Check for possible causes. Identify the local
source of interference by turning off items of
equipment (e.g. battery charger) until the SIG
icon is cleared
No 518 or 490 icon on
the status line
(no channel selected)
Check that one or both NAVTEX channels are
selected, if it’s not possible to select a channel
the sensor is unavailable, refer to ERR below.
Fault Possible cause
ERR on status line
(communications error)
No power to Sensor
No communications to Sensor
Check connections to sensor. Check for 12 V
between YELLOW wire and its BLACK pair