User Guide

How to Disconnect With the Music Player?
1) Go to The equipment list and find the device name.
2) Tap the device name and choose Disconnect.
How to Turn on/ Off Sleep Timer?
1) Tap the icon of Settings.
2) Choose Sleep Timer under the menu.
3) Click Off to turn off the Sleep Timer.
4) Set Sleep Timer by increase or decrease minutes of sleep time, tap the button OK
to save the setting. When you finish the sleep timer, you will find the message
such as Time left [06]minutes, which means the machine goes to sleep after 6
What is Idle Shutdown and How to Set it?
Idle shutdown means if there is no operation, the music player will shut off
You can turn it on or off under the menu of Settings.
How to Adjust The Brightness Of the Screen?
1) Go to the 3
option-Display settings- under the menu of Settings
2) Tap on Brightness, you can adjust the brightness by increase or decrease the
numbers: the brightest is 10 and the darkest is 0.
3) Tap OK to save the settings. The music will notify you Brightness set once the
setting is done.
What is Backlight Timer?