User manual

JukeBox View
In the Setup menu under ‘Misc Options’ you can select JukeBox View -- on/off
JukeBox View ‘off’ - Favourite Links to a Jukebox will be presented in a normal structure and you can
navigate the scanned Folders and Sub Folders folder as you normally would in the Media Library.
JukeBox View ‘on’ - Favourite Links to Jukebox will be presented in JukeBox View ie 16 Covers in a flat
display. The internal folder structure of the folders will be ignored.
3 Row JukeBox View - Open the Movie JukeBox and press the ‘Menu’ button and select ‘Hide Movie Info’
and the Movie JukeBox will be presented in a 3 row View.
Using XML Search - Media Library
To use the XML Search you must navigate to the root folder that was scanned and open it.
You will see a XML Search icon on the top right of the screen.
Using XML Search - Favourite Link
If the Jukebox was launched from a Favourite link then the contents will be displayed in
Jukebox Style (provided the Jukebox View in enables in the Setup Menu).
If the Search Icon on the top right of the screen is visible then Jukebox functionality is available. Press the
Menu Button and you will have a choice of XML Search options.
Sort Search Results by Latest / Alphabetically
This option will allow you to have the Search results filtered by ‘Latest’ (date you added the movie to your
collection) or in Alphabetic order. This is a global setting and will be stored in memory. After selecting this
option you must then do a XML Search.
Watched Indicator
If the Watched Indicator option is enabled in the Setup Menu then it will show on the XML Search Menu. You
have the option to mark the Video as Watched / Unmark as Watched. The Video file will be automatically
marked as Watched if more than 10% of the Video has been played.
Folder Lock
If enabled in the Setup Menu (Folder Protection) You will be able to
lock any Movie in the Jukebox. Focus on the Movie cover and press
the Menu Button and select the ‘Lock’ option and the Movie will be
locked. To unlock the Movie just focus on the cover and press the
Menu Button and select ‘Unlock’ then enter your 4 digit pin code and
the Movie will be unlocked. Default code is 0000
Hide Movie Info
If this option is selected the XML Movie Info will be hidden
Title Search
Select the ‘Title’ option to perform a Movie Name Search. Enter the
‘movie name’ or ‘key word’ into the Virtual Keyboard and the X3 will
search the folder names for a match and display the results.
All - All content will be displayed by ‘Latest’ or in ‘Alphabetic’ order.
Genre - list of all the available Genres in the dBase will be
Year - This is the release date of the movie. A list of all the ‘Years’
ie release dates in the dBase will be displayed.
Star Rating - The star rating is the IMDB users rating for the
Alpha Search - Use the Alpha buttons on the remote. An Alpha
search can be conducted within a dBase XML Search.