User manual

OFF - Repeat and Shuffle off
Repeat Track - Repeat the current track
Repeat All - Repeat all tracks in the folder. Shuffle off
Shuffle - Shuffle all tracks in the current folder
Current Track Time Total Track Time
Select any supported music file and the Music Player Screen will launch. If the music file has embedded
information tags and images then these will be displayed on the right hand side in the preview window area. If
you do not want to use embedded mp3 art or you are using .m4a, ape or flac files you can save the Album
Cover as a jpg file named ‘folder.jpg’ to the Music Album Folder. The X3 will use the ‘folder.jpg’ it if it does not
find any embedded art in the music files. Suggested size of the embedded art is 230 x 230pixels.
The X3 also supports Music Fan Art. Make a image called ‘fanart.jpg’ size 1280 x 720 and save it to the Album
folder.The X3 will automatically display the Fan Art background when you select any track in the Album.
Currently Playing - Music Shortcut
Press the ‘Audio’ button to take you back to the Currently
Playing music.
Music Jukebox
Pls visit the Mede8er website for the Online Guide
Album Art Screensaver
The X3 supports Album Art Screensaver.
Copy a image named ‘folder.jpg’ to each Album folder
with max size 230 x230 pixels and the currently
playing Album Art will be shown on the screensaver.