User Manual

Playing the Voices
The instrument features a variety of exceptionally realistic voices.
Please refer to the Voice List.
Playing a voice
1. Press the [VOICE] button or one of the VOICE select buttons to
enter the voice mode. The voice indicator lights up. The display
shows the current upper voice number, such as “0.01”.
2. Use the [+/YES]/[-/NO] button or the VOICE select buttons to select
a desired voice.
3. Play the keyboard and enjoy the wonderful voice.
When the dual and lower functions are turned on, you can press the
[VOICE] button repeatedly to shift between the upper, dual or lower
voice. The selected one will be highlighted on display, as shown on the
Playing Two Voices Simultaneously - Dual
The dual function allows two different voices to be layered together,
creating a much richer sound. Turn the function on, you can select a
second voice for the dual voice.
1. Select the desired upper voice.
2. Press the [DUAL] button to turn on the dual function. The dual
indicator lights up. The display shows the current dual voice
number, such as“d.30”.
3. Use the [+/YES]/[-/NO] button or the VOICE select buttons to select
the desired dual voice.
4. Play the keyboard, and you will hear two different voices layered
together, just like two different instruments playing at the same
5. Press again the [DUAL] button to turn off the function. The dual
indicator lights off.
When the keyboard is split, only the right hand area will use the dual
Playing Different Voices with Both Hands
- Lower
The lower function splits the keyboard into the left and the right hand
areas, each with a different voice. The left hand voice is the lower
voice. The split point can be assigned to any key as desired.
Advanced Use
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